Our Baby Girl

Coming end of May 2020!

We're excited to welcome a baby girl round about May 29, 2020. We're staying put in our 1 bedroom with our 80+ pound dog, so this little one will have to squeeze in with all of her accessories. For the west coast celebrants, please ship wherever possible straight to us. Thank you for thinking of us and the new addition to our family! For registry links and a relatively current photo, please scroll down!

(password: baby-clef)

Our local baby supplier, Mini Jake, will store everything for us in house until we need it. They have a brick and mortar store in our neighborhood, with a helpful lovely staff. I'm sure we'll end up there right when they open in a pinch some morning.


All the amazon things! We tried to pick everything, but if you have more experience than us and have other recommendations, that sounds great too!